Family Counseling Services

emily (rodriguez) schupmann smiling

Finding Family Counseling Services

Family counseling services are available through various channels, including mental health clinics, private practices, and online platforms. When seeking a family therapist, it's important to find a licensed professional with experience in treating your specific concerns. You can ask for referrals from your primary healthcare provider, trusted friends, or family members. Additionally, local and state psychological associations often provide online directories of certified therapists. If you’ve been looking for “family counseling near me”, then you’ve found the right place. Keep reading.

Benefits of Online Family Therapy

Online family therapy offers several advantages:

  1. Increased accessibility for families with busy schedules or transportation limitations

  2. Comfort of participating from home, which may reduce anxiety for some family members

  3. Ability to include family members who live in different locations

  4. Potentially lower costs compared to in-person sessions

Cost Comparison: In-Person vs. Virtual Counseling

While costs can vary, virtual counseling often proves more cost-effective than in-person sessions. Factors affecting the price include:

  • Therapist's qualifications and experience

  • Geographic location

  • Session duration

  • Insurance coverage

It's advisable to check with potential therapists about their fees and payment options for both in-person and virtual sessions.

Common Therapy Techniques Used in Family Counseling

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT)

  2. Structural Family Therapy (SFT)

  3. Strategic Family Therapy

  4. Systemic Family Therapy

  5. Narrative Family Therapy

Is Individual Counseling Right for You?

Individual Counseling at Emily Schupmann Counseling is suitable for anyone seeking personal growth, self-discovery, and improved well-being. Whether you are facing specific challenges, dealing with transitions, or simply looking to enhance your overall quality of life, our counselors are here to support you.

Take the First Step Towards a Better You

Embark on your journey of self-discovery and growth with the support of our experienced counselors at Emily Schupmann Counseling. Schedule an appointment today to take the first step towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Invest in yourself. Your well-being matters.

emily holding stack of couples and family counseling books

Tips for Maximizing the Counseling Experience

To get the most out of family counseling:

  1. Attend sessions regularly and consistently

  2. Actively participate in discussions and exercises

  3. Practice techniques learned in therapy at home

  4. Be patient, as change takes time and effort

image of counseling couch

Strategic Family Therapy Explained

Strategic family therapy focuses on problem-solving after understanding family dynamics. This approach concentrates on specific problems and works to develop solutions applicable to everyone in the family unit. Therapists using this method aim to create positive changes in family interactions and communication patterns.

Systemic Family Therapy Overview

Systemic family therapy examines how a family interacts as a unit and identifies patterns in individual family members that may impact positive change. This approach views personal relationships, behavior patterns, and life choices as interconnected with the issues faced by the family. Techniques like reframing are used to offer different perspectives that support growth and positive change.

Narrative Family Therapy Insights

Narrative family therapy helps families process their lived experiences and become observers of their own stories. This approach supports individuals in becoming experts in their own lives by creating new narratives to heal from past hurts. Narrative therapy can be particularly useful for families dealing with significant life changes or traumatic experiences.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • The duration of family therapy varies depending on the specific issues being addressed and the family's progress. Some families may see improvements in a few months, while others may benefit from longer-term therapy.

  • In a typical session, the therapist will facilitate discussions among family members, help identify patterns of interaction, and guide the family in developing new ways of communicating and problem-solving.

  • Yes, family therapy can benefit various family structures, including traditional nuclear families, single-parent families, blended families, and extended families.

  • Family counseling aims to improve relationships, enhance communication, and address specific issues within the family unit. It provides a safe space for family members to express their feelings, learn new skills, and work together to create positive changes.

  • Simply click on the “Book an Appointment” button and use the online patient portal to select a day and time that works for your schedule. Weekly or every-other-week appointment times at the same day and time are available upon request. Please feel free to contact Emily for additional availability if you don’t see a time that works for you.

  • Appointments canceled within 24 business hours and no-shows will be charged the full session cost.

  • Emily is conveniently located in the Westbend area at 1751 River Run Suite 200, Fort Worth, TX 76107. Parking is available directly in front of the building or in the free parking garage behind Tyler’s and CorePower Yoga. You can enter the building on the north side next to Ascension Coffee. Once you enter the building, go to the second floor, Suite 200, check in with the receptionist at the front desk, and Emily will come to meet you shortly.

  • During your first appointment, we will go over the information you signed and go over any questions or concerns that you may have. During the first session, we will focus on gathering information about your history, your reason for seeking counseling, and your desired counseling goals. You may complete some assessments that are deemed helpful. Based on the information gathered, we will go over information regarding further treatment options.

  • Under the No Surprises Act (H.R. 133, effective January 1, 2022), health care providers need to give clients or patients who do not have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. A Good Faith Estimate is for your awareness only and does not require immediate financial commitment or payment. To learn more, go to or call 800-985-3059.

Ready to get started?

Thank you for taking the time to learn about me and my therapeutic approach. I look forward to the possibility of joining you on your path to healing and self-discovery. Feel free to reach out to schedule a session or inquire further about my services.